Crooked Knife Takes over Former Waterfront Ale House

The longstanding Grammercy pub is in good hands.

Jake Rogers
By Jake Rogers Add a Comment
Photo: Official

Eastern Midtown Manhattan has suffered a difficult series of challenges in the recent years. As New York continues to battle the encroaching Omicron variant, the many hospitals that compromise Midtown’s eastern district have faced unique pressures that few of the residents have ever seen before. Now, as healthcare workers and first responders continue to fight for the health of our city, a new restaurant and bar is opening up in the neighborhood that hopes to serve this likely-fatigued community.

Crooked Knife first opened on 30th Street and Madison Avenue back in 2007. A traditional Irish pub that serves beer, lunch, dinner and late-night snacks, The Crooked Knife was named after the proper translation of the original Dutch name for the neighborhood – “Crom Messie” – that later became anglicized as “Grammercy.” If you haven’t noticed, Manhattan kind of looks like a little crooked knife, and Gramercy is located right at the point where the “knife” seems to bend (go look at a map right now and you’ll never be able to unsee it).

With two locations already in operation at the northern and southern borders of Gramercy, the third location will be moving into the space at 540 Second Avenue. Replacing Waterfront Ale House, the new Crooked Knife will be owned and operated by longtime manager Michael Griffith.

Established in 1995, Waterfront Ale House continued a longstanding tradition at the location, which had been housing pubs since 1953. A traditional American style pub, the Waterfront Ale House served thirsty locals for decades, and residents were sad to say goodbye to it. Thankfully, Michael is dedicated to serving the local community and is eager to bring the space back to life. While it’s rare for bars in the neighborhood to receive 4AM closures from the board, Michael’s sterling reputation and promise to serve nearby healthcare workers encouraged the board to make an exception.

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