An affiliate of real estate capital advisory firm Mansfield Equities has filed plans for a five-story, 132-unit mixed-use apartment project in South Los Angeles, according to a new planning case posted by the city of Los Angeles this month.
The project would rise at 1218 – 1238 W. Manchester Ave., replacing several small commercial buildings and one single-family home with about 86,000 square feet of new construction. The development would hold 18 studio apartments, 67 one-bedrooms, 40 two-bedrooms, and seven three-bedrooms, along with about 5,500 square feet of ground-floor retail space.
The developer is seeking approvals for a roughly 50-apartment density bonus above the otherwise allowed 83 units, among other requests, plans show.
It would reserve 18 units for very low-income households.
Mansfield Equities is joined on the proposed development by The Ketter Group, which is leading designs alongside landscape architect Paul Lewis & Associates, according to planning documents.
The four-parcel project site was acquired by the Mansfield Equities affiliate in 2019 for about $2.5 million, according to county property records.
The mixed-use project would include 113 automobile parking spaces through at-grade and subterranean levels, as well as 163 bicycle spaces.
The community would also provide about 12,000 square feet of common open space and amenities including a gym, community room, and courtyard.