According to recent reporting, Hoster Brewing plans to open a taproom at 653 N James Rd. The timeline for opening the taproom is currently scheduled for some time in the fall. The beer company got its start in Columbus in 1836 brewing Gold Top, a German Dortmunder style lager still produced by the brewery.
As detailed on its website, Hoster was once the largest brewery in central Ohio, but it was forced to closed during Prohibition. While many other regional breweries resumed production once Prohibition was lifted, many of them did so by using lesser quality ingredients in their brews in order to survive the financial troubles of the Depression, according to information on the brewery’s website.
The Hoster family chose not to sacrifice the quality of their beer by using cheaper ingredients and the brewery stopped producing for some time. As detailed on its website, the current Hoster Gold Top recipe maintains the integrity of the original formula and is known to sell out whenever there are limited production runs.
With all this rich history, the taproom is bound to be a huge draw with the Columbus beer community. As detailed in the recent article, the taproom will serve small plates such as German style pretzels, as well as host food trucks. Beer served will include Gold Top as well as the brand’s other flagship lagers, plus some rotating brews that include seasonal beers and guest taps.
What Now Columbus reached out to the establishment for comment, but a response was not forthcoming.