Local Farmer-Florist to Tend the Infinite Garden Space in RiNo

Rowdy Poppy will offer classes, special events, and more in partnership with The Infinite Monkey Theorem this spring.

Amber D. Browne
By Amber D. Browne Add a Comment
Photo: Official-The Infinite Monkey Theorem

Rowdy Poppy owner Kimberly Zimmerman will be the new Infinite Garden manager at an urban winery in RiNo this spring. The garden space at The Infinite Monkey Theorem features beautiful blooms for guests to peruse while enjoying a glass of wine.

The former Infinite Garden manager Amy Berryman reached out to a local collective of flower-farmers and florists to see if anyone was looking to expand and could take over the job of tending the garden. Zimmerman has been growing and designing from home and was looking for more space to expand, so she answered the call. “We’re very close by, so it’s just a perfect match,” Zimmerman told What Now Denver.

Zimmerman currently offers delivery options with online orders but plans to add a pickup option for purchases and will have seasonal farm flower shares. There will also be a selection of grab-and-go bouquets created by Rowdy Poppy available in the taproom throughout the season. 

Zimmerman will offer floral design classes inside The Infinite Monkey Theorem and then outdoors as weather allows. In addition to the floral design classes, Zimmerman is working with several people to develop a calendar of meditation and yoga classes at the space. “I would love to do things like art classes in that space, too.”

Zimmerman said it’s important to have a way to build the community again following the Pandemic. “I really want this to be a space that people can use for things like that and really come together.”

She is now planning the space, sourcing seed, and growing the team. Infinite Garden is located at 3232 Larimer St., Denver, CO 80205.

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