Envy Nightclub to Open in Downtown Phoenix

New dance club and bar entering the Phoenix nightlife scene.

Eve Payne
By Eve Payne Add a Comment
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The Chavez Brothers, Bradley and Everardo, two realtors from the Glendale Valley, are bringing Envy to downtown Phoenix in the form of a nightclub and bar.

Envy Nightclub announced its location and plans on Instagram and Facebook just three days ago. Come fall 2021, the new go to spot for the Phoenix nightclub scene will be located at 136 E. Washington St., in the heart of downtown.

Co-owner Bradley Chavez also made the announcement on his personal Instagram page, and he confirmed that Envy received their series 6 liquor license from the AZ Department of Liquor and Control on April 30th.  

Chavez wrote, “We are currently in the process of remodeling and shooting to open our doors later this year!” Chavez also told What Now Phoenix that the establishment is being entirely redone. He said to expect new audio all around, new lighting, a DJ booth, and a renovated bar.

The Chavez Brothers want Envy to be a “little different” from the typical bar and nightclub, but you can expect DJ music as well as occasional live music. Chavez wrote in an email to What Now Phoenix, “Of course we will have your regular VIP tables and bottle service but we are striving to give an experience people can’t get in any other nightclub here in AZ!”

The drink menu is still in the works, Chavez added, as most of the energy is currently going towards renovating the club’s interior. Be on the lookout for more information regarding the club’s opening this fall.

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