After starting a cottage bakery in his own home, 61 Hundred Bread Owner Karlo Evaristo is ready to expand to a new brick-and-mortar location.
“We’re shooting to open in the fall,” he said. “While there’s no indoor seating planned, we’ll have patio space, and are trying to get coffee, beer, and wine.”
Evaristo said he’s still working on finalizing the lease and felt the location needs a lot of work to turn into a bakery.
“It’s pretty much a shell. We’ll be adding a lot of equipment and fixing it from the ground up,” he said.
Using fresh-milled flour 61 Hundred Bread’s goal is to bring out the flavor and show that something as simple as bread, done with passion can be extraordinary. The bakery sells everything from sourdough rolls, scones, babka, and more.
Moving into Santa Ana Diesel, a former repair shop, 61 Hundred Bread will be right off Interstate-5.