The Los Angeles Planning Commission next Thursday will vote on plans by Mount Saint Mary’s University to develop a two-story Wellness Pavilion development at its Brentwood campus on Chalon Road, according to the commission’s meeting agenda.
The university’s original proposal calls for a 38,000-square-foot facility with a gym, multi-purpose rooms, physical therapy lab, and other features, along with a two-story parking deck totaling 281 vehicle spaces. Commissioners will vote next week on a modified version of the school’s proposal recommended by planning staff that calls for a slightly smaller, 35,500-square-foot building and surface parking lots instead of the parking deck.
If approved, either version of the project will replace a pair of tennis courts, an outdoor pool area, an existing fitness center building, and other existing improvements, plans show. The project site represents a 3.8-acre portion of the university’s 45-acre campus.
The architect leading designs for the Wellness Pavilion project is LPA.
Other features in the wellness building would include dance and cycling studios, lockers, showers, restrooms, and an equipment storage area, plans show.