A new European-style cafe and bar called Sinizki is coming to Atwater Village, located at 3147 Glendale Blvd.
The owners of Dune, Scott Zwiezen and Anne O’Malley, are teaming up with Alexander Mirecki Tavitian to replace his Kaldi Coffee with the new late-night spot in late 2022. Customers can expect the same large outdoor patio that has gotten Kaldi through the pandemic thus far to enjoy pierogi, bar snacks, wine, and espresso. Sinizki will focus more on being a casual day or night dining option rather than a full-scale restaurant.
Kaldi has served as a family-run coffee shop in the area since 2002 and will remain open until Tavitian begins construction of the new eatery. The trio of owners are excited to test the hopeful post-pandemic waters with a long, mellow bar filled with glass and heavy millwork, according to Eater LA. They describe the inside of the upcoming bar area as “folks bellied up at the bar for drinks and fast plates of fun food.” Despite the limited interior space, the cafe and bar will find most of its seating outside.
As for food, Sinizki will focus on Eastern European, mainly Polish and Ukrainian. Dishes will be on the smaller side, with more bar snacks and plenty of pierogis. Other heartier dinner fare meals will be available, but the cafe will angle towards being a late-night destination with both wine and espresso.