The Los Angeles planning department has approved development plans for a five-story, 16-unit apartment project named Union 16 to replace a single-family residence on South Union Avenue, according to a planning case update posted by the city of Los Angeles last week.
The applicant behind the planned Westlake project is Caleb Pate of LA-based CP3 Development, who plans show intends to develop a 56-foot-tall multifamily building at 230 South Union Avenue. The site’s existing single-family dwelling was acquired by Chueng Kwok Ching in 2020 for $775,000, according to county property records and planning application documents.
Project plans filed last year show that the development team was seeking Tier-2 project incentives through the city’s transit-oriented communities program, including a six-unit, or 60-percent, density bonus and an 11-foot height increase to the planned 56 feet.
The apartment community will include 16 one-bedroom units, nine automobile parking spaces, and space for 18 bicycles. Plans also call for about 1,600 square feet of roof-deck open space.
Designs are being led by project architect Stockton Architects and landscape architect Savage Land Design.