Mitote Food Park Relocating to New Spot Just Up the Street

"The thing we're so proud of with our food trucks is that they each have such a diverse menu... even though all of our trucks serve different types of Mexican food, you really can go to each truck and get something different."

Elise McCorkle
By Elise McCorkle Add a Comment
Photo: Official

According to the Press Democrat, Mitote Food Park is relocating from its current spot to a “1.7-acre parcel of land includes a 20,000-square-foot warehouse” less than half a mile away at 100 Sebastopol Road.

Lisa Johnson-Foster, Mitote Food Park’s Director of Operations, tells What Now San Francisco, “We are hoping that everyone will be able to come to the new location.”

She shares that Mitote Food Park plans to shutter its current spot at 665 Sebastopol Road at the end of March and hopes to reopen at the new address by early May.

“We don’t have an opening date yet. It really depends on permitting,” Johnson-Foster adds.

For readers who are unfamiliar with the food park, Johnson-Foster offers a brief introduction: “The thing we’re so proud of with our food trucks is that they each have such a diverse menu… even though all of our trucks serve different types of Mexican food, you really can go to each truck and get something different.”

She also adds that Mitote hopes to work with local muralists and intends to raise funds to support their work.

Follow Mitote on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

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Elise Love-McCorkle is a freelance writer for What Now Media Group. She is an alumna of The University of Texas at Austin and works in the creative sector. She is currently based in Lisbon, Portugal.
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