Justin Stands and his business partner Dennis Robbins are tired of driving a far distance to pick up the highest quality wine they can get their hands on. That’s where the idea of 5 Pours first began. Soon-to-be located at a fully renovated space in the Harbour Cove Shopping Center, at 29050 South Western Ave in San Pedro, which used to house a nail salon, 5 Pours will cater to both wine- and cheese-loving locals, and casual drinkers alike.
“Five pours” is what it takes to drink a quality bottle of wine, Stands told What Now Los Angeles regarding the name of his incoming venture. Stands said that moving to the area was strange, as the wine selection was notably lacking. “It doesn’t exist here,” he said, explaining his frustration with the local shopping centers and liquor stores holding cheap entry-level and mass-produced wines.
While in early development for about four years now, COVID-19 slowed down the process initially but gave them an opportunity to further explore curbside pickup, touchless pay, and delivery. Locals will no longer have to travel for their wine. Even if you’re a casual wine drinker, a quality $10 bottle of wine will still be available at 5 Pours.
For those experienced wine and cheese connoisseurs, the selection is wide. From local vineyards producing Pinot Noir and Cabernet to delicious Australian Burgundies, you’ll likely find wines from the top 100 products available. If you’re hosting a cheese and wine tasting, you have many options available for each. In terms of food, 5 Pours will offer snack setups and jams to go along with any event you’re hosting.
5 Pours will also be selling top-notch local craft beers that have been overshadowed by the bigger names. “We got full support of our community and basically everyone’s on board,” Stands says of the encouragement from the locals. Expect 5 Pours to open sometime in the fall.