Recent documents filed with the city show that Dark White Gallery, at 837 Santa Fe Dr., filed permits for “Eating and Drinking Establishment” and “Indoor Recreation” zoning. This means tasty bites and beverages may be available soon at the space.
The owner of Dark White Gallery is Benjamin Mollner, who is also a well-known dentist in the area. His passion for art led him to open up the gallery so others can view amazing works, and now he would like to add concession options to the mix.
In his filings, Mollner wrote, “I would like to apply as an owner/tenant for a commercial construction permit for change of use that includes Certificate of Occupancy as a condition. My use for the building is to function as an immersive art gallery/event space with a liquor license. I am currently approved by the city for liquor license, but am in the inspection process.”
Records show that a mechanical and plumbing plan was reviewed and approved on May 11. The property is located in the vibrant Santa Fe Arts District, filled with galleries and cultural centers, and one of the locations that takes part in the First Friday Art Walk each month.