The retail center on the southwest corner of the intersection between West Sahara Avenue and South Buffalo Drive will soon be home to a new spot for wine lovers. Crushpad Wine Bar and Bottle Shop, which was originally working toward an opening this month, is preparing to open in the New Year.
“Opening Q1 2024,” says a recent Instagram post by the brand. “Sales start on founders club soon! Sign up for announcements and follow us for more!”
Behind Crushpad are owners Brian Dynda and Jessica Dynda. What Now reached out to Brian Dynda to inquire about the opening. Dynda was not immediately available for comment.
For the moment, this leaves us unsure about Crushpad’s menu offerings (will there be any food, for example?). What Now is awaiting more information on Crushpad, so stay tuned for updates.
You can follow @crushpadwinebar on Instagram to keep up with this exciting local opening.