Mo’ Bettahs Appears to Be Planning Location near the Strip

Paperwork indicates a Mo’ Bettahs in the works on West St. Louis Avenue

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment
Photo: Official

Utah-born Hawaiian-style restaurant chain Mo’ Bettahs made its Las Vegas debut last year, and it now has two locations in the valley, at 4390 W Cactus Ave and 1020 E Craig Road. The brand now appears to be expanding its presence in Las Vegas even more: licensing paperwork submitted to the city of Las Vegas shows Mo’ Bettahs opening at 333 W St Louis Ave K22, near the STRAT.

Known as Hawaii’s Ninth Island, Las Vegas has long demonstrated a taste for Hawaiian and Hawaiian-influenced food, and Mo’ Bettahs is no exception. The menu features Hawaiian-style barbecue dishes, served with rice and macaroni salad, with protein choices that include Teriyaki Chicken, Kalua Pig, Katsu Chicken, Teriyaki Steak, and Shrimp Tempura. Each plate comes with either Teriyaki Sauce or Katsu Sauce.

“The Mo’ Bettahs menu reflects our favorite Hawaiian staples. We keep it true to the Hawai’i we know and love. It is our hope that with each visit you will feel your love grow for your family and friends as you share experiences in our backyard,’” says the brand’s website.

Situated at the intersection of West St. Louis Avenue and South Industrial Road, the building at 333 W St. Louis Ave already houses Lucky 3 Food and vegan restaurant Smash Me Baby.

What Now reached out to Mo’ Bettahs CEO Rob Ertmann on Friday to ask about plans for a location near the STRAT. Ertmann was not immediately available for comment.

You can keep up with all things Mo’ Bettahs by following @mobettahs on Instagram.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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