The Los Angeles planning department last week officially finalized its approvals of a four-story, 149-room hotel slated to break ground in Woodland Hills in April. The project applicant, whose proposed development received 5-2 planning commissioner support in November, is 20401 Ventura LLC, an entity registered to Mega International Trading Group founder Kamyar Marouni.
Plans for the 53,000-square-foot site have changed over the years but are now a 73-foot-tall hotel rising at 20401 Ventura Blvd. Designed by Oakland-based Architectural Dimensions, the hotel will have three floors of rooms above a ground floor with a reception area, meeting rooms, and a 2,175-square-foot restaurant, among other features. The project’s 164,462 square feet of gross building area will also include three levels of below-grade parking with 213 spaces. Amenities, which are on the second floor, include a pool deck and fitness room.
Marouni originally filed a planning application in 2016, envisioning an eight-story, 201-room hotel and four-level subterranean parking garage for the site, according to planning records. The 124-foot-tall proposal was eventually re-envisioned closer to its current dimensions, which themselves required modifications to the Ventura-Cahuenga Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan by the planning commission.
The city-approved project plans outline a proposed April demolition date, with a construction schedule running from July 2021 to November 2022. It is unclear as of now whether a brand has signed on to the hotel. Marouni didn’t respond to request for comment.