Plans are moving forward for developer Carmel Partners’ residential project, located at 4629 – 4651 W Maubert Avenue. A determination letter from the City of Los Angeles was recently issued conditionally approving the eight-story, 93-foot-tall apartment building with 143,785 square feet of floor area. Of its 153 units, 17 will be designated for affordable housing.
The building will feature two levels of above-grade parking and nearly 13,000 square feet of open space. To make way for the planned development, three existing multi-family buildings and accessory buildings will be razed.
The project was approved with conditions that include an 80 percent increase in density, 45 percent increase in floor area ratio, and 25 percent reduction of required open space.
The location is within 310 feet from the Vermont/Sunset Metro Red Line Station and Metro Rapid Bus 754.