The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Tuesday evening will vote on plans by Johnson Development Associates to develop a five-story, approximately 135,000-square-foot self-storage project at the northeastern corner of the intersection of San Pedro and 7th Streets, according to its meeting agenda.
The Spartanburg, South Carolina-based company first filed plans for the project in December.
During its meeting last month, the DTLANC planning and land-use committee voted to approve of the proposed development, supporting a letter of support for the project to be sent to the city’s Office of Zoning Administration. Johnson Development Associates is requesting relief from a maximum building height of 37 feet to allow for a 66-foot-tall building, among other approvals, plans show.
The developer is in escrow to acquire the project site from 6062 Alcoa Properties LP, according to application documents from late last year. Its development would replace an auto repair shop and three other industrial buildings currently occupying the site.
Designs for the proposed project, which would also provide 25 automobile parking spaces and 72 bicycle spaces, are being led by Ware Malcomb.