Echo Park-Area Apartment Proposal Given Approvals

Approvals include TOC incentives allowing for an 18-foot height increase

Dean Boerner
By Dean Boerner Add a Comment
Rendering: Official

The Los Angeles planning department has approved plans for a five-story, 14-unit apartment development to replace a four-unit property near Echo Park, according to a determination letter posted by the city this month.

The planned project is being led by applicant and owner Shawn Kormondy of Millennium Trust Company LLC and will take shape at 1932 Park Avenue.

Approvals given this month allow for Tier-3 project incentives under the city’s Transit Oriented Communities Incentive Program, including an 18-foot height increase to allow a maximum height of 63 feet, as well as a six-unit density bonus. In accordance with the TOC program, the developer will set aside two apartments for extremely low-income households and one apartment for a very low-income household, this month’s determination letter shows.

Plans call for a 16,090-square-foot building holding 11 one-bedrooms and three two-bedrooms, along with two levels of automobile parking with space for 11 vehicles. One-bedrooms will range in size from 347 to 723 square feet, while two-bedrooms will be 1,095 square feet each.

The project will also provide about 2,600 square feet of usable open space including balconies and a roof deck, along with space for 16 bicycles.

Designs for the project are being led by Beverly Hills-based firm Ashai Design, plans show.

Rendering: Official
Rendering: Official

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