Five-Story Historic South Central Affordable Multifamily Project Gets Go-Ahead

The project will have four extremely low-income units, 28 low-income units, and one manager's unit

Dean Boerner
By Dean Boerner Add a Comment
Photo: Official

The Los Angeles planning department has given approvals to plans for a new five-story, 33-unit affordable housing project at 4345 Woodlawn Ave. in the Historic South Central neighborhood, a determination letter filed last week by the city shows. The project applicant, 1408 W 35th St LLC, is listed alongside David Aghaei and Chris Kovel of Beverly Hills-based real estate investment company Oak Road.

Plans call for the demolition of two duplexes and one single-family dwelling at the 7,020-square-foot project site to make way for a new 56-foot-tall, 18,600-square-foot residential building named Woodlawn Apartments. The project would contain all one-bedrooms and open spaces like a rear yard as well as individual balconies.

Though the project is located in a Tier-2 zone pursuant to the city’s Transit Oriented Communities Incentive Program, fully affordable developments are offered a step up in tiers, making available Tier-3 incentives to Woodlawn Apartments. As a result, it will reflect a 75-percent density increase to 33 units in lieu of the otherwise allowed 19. The project will also reflect an automobile parking minimum of zero, with the developer opting to provide two parking spaces along with 37 bicycle spaces.

Along with four units set aside for extremely low-income households, Woodlawn Apartments will reserve an additional 28 units for low-income households (the project will hold one market-rate manager’s unit).

Oak Road develops both multifamily and commercial projects. Its residential portfolio includes Micro 22 in East Los Angeles, while its commercial portfolio includes a small office building in West Adams, according to its website.

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