Neighborhood Council To Review Proposed Five-Story Larchmont Multifamily Project

The project would rise 56 feet near the intersection of Larchmont Boulevard and Rosewood Avenue

Dean Boerner
By Dean Boerner Add a Comment
Photo: Google Maps | A shot of 500 N. Larchmont Blvd., where plans call for demolishing the site's existing commercial and residential structures for a 21-unit apartment project.

The Land Use Committee for the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council will review and possibly vote on plans for a five-story, 21-unit project proposed for 500-506 N. Larchmont Blvd., the committee’s Tuesday evening meeting agenda shows. The project applicant and owner is listed as 506 N Larchmont Blvd LLC, a company registered to Yair Ben Moshe.

Situated at the northeastern corner of Larchmont Boulevard and Rosewood Avenue in the Larchmont Village area, the two-parcel, 11,188-square-foot project site currently holds four buildings, including two residential units, that would be demolished to make way for the new project, named 500 Larchmont. The project calls for about 27,000 square feet of new construction, planning documents show.

The applicant for the project, which would reserve two units for extremely low-income households, is requesting transit-oriented communities incentive program approvals for an 11-foot height increase to 56 feet, among other incentives. Designs call for 21 automobile parking spaces and 24 bicycle spaces.

The property owner purchased the project site, which has both commercial and residential buildings, for $2.55 million in 2006, property records show. Also involved is project representative Matthew Hayden of Hayden Planning, along with project architect Aaron Brumer & Associates and landscape architect Courtland Studio.

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