A Hollywood sushi and ramen restaurant, located at 1655 N La Brea Avenue, has filed and been approved for a big expansion as well as the sale and consumption of on-site alcohol.
Shin Ramen Restaurant is planning on expanding the interior by 644 square feet so that it totals 1,480 square feet of space. For the exterior, there are also plans for a newly constructed 345-square-foot, covered outdoor dining area. Due to the increase in size, the restaurant is required to provide additional parking spaces, but the owner has requested a reduction of this requirement so that the existing, on-site 12 spaces suffice.
Timothy Ratcliff, the owner of Shin Ramen Restaurant, told What Now Los Angeles that the expansion is expected to finish within two weeks, though the patio will still be open to the public during that time. He also plans to serve alcoholic beverages within the next month or two.
With these changes, there will also be new items added to the menu, including yakitori and cooked fish dishes. The added variety of Japanese food is expected to have a soft launch on August 1.