Sky Bowl Superfood Opening Third Location in Trabuco Plaza

Owner hopes to open new Sky Bowl Superfood in Irvine this spring

Alex Zorn
By Alex Zorn Add a Comment
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Joining the Trabuco Plaza on Yale Avenue in Northwood, Sky Bowl Superfood will be adding a third location to town.

“The neighborhood is diverse and has lots of people who care about eating healthy,” Owner Adam Jubara said.

The new location will reportedly be in a 1,132 square-foot space.

He hopes to open in the next month.

“We haven’t started construction yet and are just waiting on a few permits,” Jubara added.

With a population of 337,919 within a five-mile radius, the northwest corner of Yale Avenue and Trabuco Road should bring in plenty of foot traffic for the new spot.

Sky Bowl Superfood’s goal is to provide healthy and nutritious food, providing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins, healthy carbs, and fats, while still offering an amazing burst and blend of flavors.

With bases that include acai, coconut, pitaya, matcha, and more, customers can customize their bowls with granola flavors, fruits, and other toppings.

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