Topa Topa Brewing Co. originates in Ojai, in the valley of the Topatopa Mountains 60 miles northeast of Los Angeles, while its newest location will be further south at 2024 Ventura Blvd #112 in Camarillo. Topa Topa Brewing Co. also has three other currently operating locations: two in Ventura and one in Santa Barbara.
Topa Topa Brewing Co. owner Jack Dyer confirmed with What Now Los Angeles (WNLA) that the new location is in Oldtown Camarillo, a new progressive development. “We’re looking forward to breathing some light into that area,” Dyer said. “We’ve been super appreciative of the support from our community. We try to create a very safe, socially distanced taproom.” At this location, they still have some work to do with three or four different tenants adjacent to them. A spokesperson for Topa Topa Brewing Co. told WNLA, “the building itself is still in construction so it’s changing constantly but shooting for sometime late November or December of this year!” Topa Topa Brewing Co.’s four hubs consist of 16 rotating taps of hand-crafted beers and they can also be seen popping up at events with a food truck.
This will be the brand’s fifth brick-and-mortar location, with one central hub where they produce the alcohol. As required by law under the type 23 small beer manufacturer license, they are allowed a brewery space and six satellite taprooms. As of right now, Dyer and his team aren’t actively looking for new locations for Topa Topa Brewing Co. “We’re getting through and surviving,” Dyer told WNLA about opening up shop during the current climate. “We’re getting to the other side of this and reevaluating our plans.” They also have plenty of “beers in the wild,” sold at dozens of retailers across SoCal. The Topa Topa Brewing Co. website also teases a plethora of upcoming beers.
(Edited to include quotes from the owner Jack Dyer and changed the name from Topa Topa Brewing Company to Topa Topa Brewing Co. at his request)