Good Night John Boy Bringing 70’s Discotheque Vibes to Delray Beach

It’s the second Florida location for the discotheque brand from Forward Hospitality

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment

“LET’S GET GROOVY,” read the vintage yellow block letters that are the first thing you see entering the website of Good Night John Boy‘s St. Petersburg location. The concept is nostalgic romp full of disco-era references, and with locations in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and (soon) California, it is building a presence all over the country.

Now, according to coverage by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel available on Yahoo News, Good Night John Boy is breaking into the South Florida market.

“This chain dive bar—named, of course, after the famous sign-off on the 1970’s drama ‘The Waltons’—touts groovy cocktails (names include Mood Ring, Chevy to the Levee, Dirty Ashtray) and so-called Dad beer (Miller High Life), along with mirror balls, bell-bottoms, trucker hats, wood-paneled walls and other nostalgic slices of retro décor,” says the coverage.

Behind Good Night John Boy is Forward Hospitality Group, the creator of concepts like Glamper, 3 Palms Pizzeria, and the upcoming Shiso Miami.

Further details on the new location are not yet available. What Now reached out to Forward Hospitality Group COO Bobby Rutter on Friday to inquire about plans for the opening. Rutter was not immediately available to discuss plans for Good Night John Boy’s second Florida location.

Check out the vibes at the St. Pete location by following @johnboystpete on Instagram.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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