1 Nashville Restaurant Scores Low And Fails Health Inspection

Old food debris, untrained employees, and improper cooking temperatures are some issues that came to light at a restaurant during a health inspection on Thursday.

Twinkle Jha
By Twinkle Jha Add a Comment
Church's Chicken #2086 could not pass the health inspection conducted by the TN Health Department (Source: Google Reviews)

A fast-food restaurant in Nashville was not able to pass the health inspection conducted by the Tennessee Department of Health on March 20. While the minimum score required to pass the inspection is 70, the restaurant could get only 61 points.

The Church’s Chicken #2086, a location of fast food restaurant chain, located at 3127 Dickerson Rd. in Nashville failed the health inspection on Thursday. The department conducts the inspections to ensure that all restaurants in Nashville are aware of the mandated health regulations in the city and follow the same.

Please note that the scores mentioned here are from a particular inspection conducted on March 20 and may not represent the future health inspection status of the establishments.


  • Church’s Chicken #2086 in Nashville failed the health inspection by the Tennessee Department of Health on March 20.
  • The restaurant scored 61 points, falling short of the 70 points required to pass the inspection.
  • The inspection report cites various issues at the restaurant, including accumulated food debris, employees in need of training, and improper cooking temperatures.

Church’s Chicken #2086 Fails Health Inspection

Inside Church’s Chicken #2086 (Source: Google Reviews)
  • Where: 3127 Dickerson Rd. Nashville, TN 37207
  • Date: March 20, 2025
  • Score: 61

With its menu including sandwiches, fried chicken, and wraps, Church’s Chicken #2086 has been serving Nashville residents. However, in a recent health inspection by the Tennessee Department of Health, the Nashville-based restaurant received an unsatisfactory score of 61.

Inspection Findings at Church’s Chicken #2086

The department gave its final score after Church’s Chicken #2086 was found to be in non-compliance with its set health regulations for eateries in Nashville. In its health probe done on March 20, the TN department found that employees at Church’s Chicken #2086 lacked training in terms of understanding foodborne illnesses. Some employees were observed washing their hands in the 3-compartment sink.

Inspectors observed that the mashed potatoes were not cooked at the required temperature. The thermometer was not working in Church’s Chicken’s prep cooler in the front area.

The next violation pointed out by the Tennessee Department of Health was regarding Church’s Chicken’s hygiene issues. Inspectors noted several violations, including a lack of sanitizer in sink compartments and dirty rice in standing water.

The full report of the inspection by the Tennessee Department of Health can be found online.

Some points were deducted because of wet cloth on the strain board and dirty linens on the floor. Additionally, the inspection report highlighted an overfilled trash can and water leakage at Church’s Chicken #2086.

Corrective actions were taken for many of the issues found at Church’s Chicken #2086. The restaurant must address the uncorrected issues within 10 days.

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Twinkle Jha is a content writer passionate about crafting engaging and informative pieces for diverse audiences. She holds a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication that helps her create news-based articles related to restaurants, retail, and real estate in the US. With five years of writing experience, Twinkle has a strong base for her research, allowing her to create compelling content. Her keen eye for detail and creative approach make her writing stand out. When not working, she loves to watch movies.
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