Neapolitan Pizza Spot Coming to Oak Street

Pizza Bella will offer pizza, salads, and appetizers -- along with beer and wine.

Brett Llenos Smith
By Brett Llenos Smith Add a Comment
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Oak Street has become a major dining destination in recent years, and one of the newest when it opens this fall will be Pizza Bella, which is taking over the former Tru Burger. Owner Benjamin Carter recently told What Now New Orleans that his new pizza spot at 8115 Oak St. will focus on serving Neapolitan-style pies. It will also offer different salads and appetizers. Pizza Bella will have a license to serve beer and wine. Carter said he’s aiming for a September opening date.

In addition to the upcoming Pizza Bella, Oak Street also boasts a number of other restaurants, bars, and cafes, including the Old Alker Distillery and Jamaican restaurant 14 Parishes. The vibrant street also has several retail stores and business services.

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Brett Llenos Smith is a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and more than a decade of experience writing about restaurants, farms and food production. As someone with a multi-ethnic background, he has a passion for highlighting folks from underrepresented communities.
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