Ludwigs Biergarten Thrives Under New Ownership

What Now Media Group recently caught up with Gisela Qasim to learn more about her journey

Joey Reams
By Joey Reams Add a Comment
Photo: Official

Late last year, Ludwigs Biergarten, a German beer garden found in Mountain View at 383 Castro Street, changed ownership, falling into the hands of owner Gisela Qasim. While the name remained unchanged, the new business owner decided to slightly alter recipes and menus, including introducing schweinebraten.

Ludwig’s Biergarten in Mountain View brings a vibrant European beer garden experience featuring 20 premium draft beers from around the world. The menu offers authentic German dishes, including family recipes and Munich Biergarten-inspired favorites. Its lively atmosphere makes it the perfect spot to enjoy hearty meals, refreshing drinks, and great company in a warm, communal setting. What Now Media Group recently caught up with Qasim to learn more about her journey and how things have been going since taking over the beer garden.

Q: How did you get into the industry? Did you always know you wanted to own a business?

A: Taking over Ludwig’s Biergarten is kind of a destination point for me in my transition from tech to trades. I have worked as a technical program manager for large industrial projects in electrical and software engineering in Germany for most of my career. I picked up tasks that were not the most sought-after, like quality assurance for software projects. That was how I got into the projects with the still prevailing disadvantage of being a woman. It made for a nice career. This did not work as expected coming to California, so I took up another task that seemed necessary: producing authentic Northern Bavarian sausages (“Fränkische Bratwürste,” to put in a lot of Umlauts). They are, in fact, authentic and tasty, so I sold them for lunch at Ava’s Downtown Market in Mountain View and catered to Corporate Oktoberfest parties in the Bay Area. So when the previous owners of Ludwig’s Biergarten were looking for a buyer, and I happened to be friends with the German one, they thought of me. This was the opportunity that came my way, like during most of my career, so I took it. I’ve never actively wanted to own a business, but I’m finding out that this is where I thrive.

Q: Where did the idea for the business come from?

A: While selling the sausages, I asked Nicole (Jacobi, my friend and previous co-owner of Ludwig’s), which is located across the street from Ava’s, if she felt it was awkward that I was setting up shop there; she was very generous, pointing out it would rather be “the more, the merrier,” and she was one of the first customers for my sausages. Later last year, when they got an offer that would transform Ludwig’s into a Mexican restaurant, they talked to me about taking Ludwig’s over so it could stay the very good German restaurant and Biergarten that it is.

Q: How have things been going since you have taken over ownership?

A: Taking over, I went all in, as I tend to do in a new project. I basically lived at Ludwig’s, trying to take in as much information as possible. After three months of 24/7 at Ludwig’s, I felt I was learning and picking up how things were going. I had help from my previous project, the Creative Collective of Silicon Valley, in the form of my COO, Janina Dunstone, who has a background in the Beverage Wholesale industry in Germany, and my CFO, Kerstin Holmes, who holds down finances tightly, and who both do what is necessary at any given time. We’re all very hands-on; one of my major tasks when I’m at the restaurant now is bussing tables – esp. if my staffing wasn’t the greatest. This is a great opportunity to connect with guests and take in the atmosphere and vibes. Most guests like the opportunity to activate whatever German they have learned, and I enjoy every conversation. So, I’d say things are going well.

Q: What’s the most challenging part about opening a business?

A: The most challenging part of taking over Ludwig’s Biergarten is the sheer amount of money I need to make and spend to make things work. Especially since it’s a Biergarten consisting mainly of an open patio, the winter is not the easiest. I’m getting in touch with the City of Mountain View about making the patio flexibly rainproof for the next winter/rainy season – but I’ll need to earn that money first, too. So that will keep me up and busy for the next – hopefully dry and good – months.

Q: What is the most rewarding part about opening a business?
A: The most rewarding point in taking over Ludwig’s Biergarten has two aspects: First and foremost, I am really happy I took the leap because I had never imagined how great a fit this would be for me. I was born to be the “Wirtin of Silicon Valle,” i.e., being a host and owning a well-running restaurant is the task where anything I ever did before comes to good fruition – all my data science, quality assurance, and process optimization experiences help and will help me make this a nice place for my guests, and, hopefully, the team. This leads to the second aspect: it is extremely rewarding how much happiness a good restaurant brings to people. I have two German aphorisms that, combined, express this very nicely: “Liebe geht durch den Magen” [The way to a person’s heart is through the stomach]. together with a line from Goethe, a famous classical German poet, “…denn die Freude, die wir geben, kehrt ins eigene Herz zurück.” [The joy we’re giving out returns to our own hearts]. This is what I feel Ludwig’s Biergarten is aiming at, and when I get positive feedback, I feel we’re doing a good job in that.
Q: Anything else you’d like people to know?
A: I’d like everyone to know that we have a wonderful team, the kitchen and servers are fast and great, I bring in my upbringing in Munich to tweak the menu towards very authentic Bavarian food in addition to all the wonderful things we offer. I did gain weight due to me liking our food and drinks myself a lot.
Follow on Instagram @ludwigsmv.

This feature comes from What Now Media Group’s Accelerate program. Click here for more information about how to attend our upcoming Accelerate events for a chance to be featured.

Ludwigs Biergarten Continues to Thrive Under New Ownership
Photo: Official

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Joey Reams was born and raised in San Diego and received a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism at San Francisco State University. While there, he interned for several publications while serving as SFSU's News Editor at Golden Gate Xpress for a semester. After college, Joey has worked in the freelance industry for ten years and counting, writing about community news, the music industry, breaking news, pop culture, and other diverse topics. Before joining What Now Media Group, Joey worked as the News Editor for Pasadena Now. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new cities, trying delicious food, and attending concerts.
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