Four years after its COVID-era closing, fan-favorite British restaurant Moon Under Water has announced it will reopen in St. Petersburg.
“While the exact location is still under wraps, we’re told it will still be in the heart of downtown, ‘just a stone’s throw from the original,’ which was located at 332 Beach Drive NE (now home to Ceviche),” says coverage by I Love the Burg.
What Now confirmed the news on Thursday with Kevin Milkey, who owns Grand Central Brewhouse together with Jeanne Milkey. The Milkeys are reopening Moon Under Water together with former Moon Under Water executive chef Mike Crippin and Alison Crippin, the I Love the Burg coverage says.
“We are likely about a year away from opening,” Milkey told What Now in an email on Thursday.
Milkey says a likely location has been found, pending a period of inspections and due diligence.
“Design work, construction documents and permitting will most likely take about 6 months from this point. Then the actual remodeling/construction will start.”
You can still follow @moonunderwater.stpete to keep up with Moon Under Water news.