A Mediterranean concept dubbed Pinafini will soon open in Laguna Beach, according to a Craigslist ad seeking a head chef for the incoming restaurant. Intel obtained by What Now Orange County lists the owner of Pinafini as Vasken Haitayan, a former shareholder of Haitayan, Inc., the company that owns Pasadena’s cozy Cafe Santorini.
Haitayan did not respond to WNOC’s request for comment. Therefore, little is presently known about Pinafini. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.
Fortunately, we were able to deduce a few pertinent details from the aforementioned ad. Here’s what we know:
Pinafini will be an upscale-casual, fine-dining concept that takes a California twist on classic Mediterranean cuisine.
The ad also details morning, evening, and night shifts, suggesting the eatery may be open for brunch, lunch, and dinner.
[Editor’s note: this article has been edited for accuracy; it previously stated that Vasken Haitayan was the proprietor of Pasadena’s Cafe Santorini. Haitayan is a former shareholder of Haitayan, Inc., the company that owns Pasadena’s Cafe Santorini. Haitayan is no longer affiliated with Cafe Santorini in any way.]