Approvals for a four-story, 27-unit apartment proposal in Echo Park have drawn an appeal that will be reviewed by the Los Angeles City Planning Commission on Thursday, its agenda shows.
Approved by the planning director in August, the proposed project is being led by Marina Del Rey-based Kenihan Development and would replace a two-story triplex at 1449 – 1451 ½ Echo Park Avenue with an approximately 56-foot-tall, 14,500-square-foot mixed-use building holding 27 studio apartments and 210 square feet of ground-floor commercial space.
In filings last year, appellant Rosita L. Uy, an abutting property owner, outlines concerns about density and noise from the project, among other issues. According to planning commission agenda materials, staff recommend that commissioners deny the appeal and sustain the planning department’s earlier approvals.
In August, the development proposal was approved for Tier-1 project incentives as part of the city’s transit-oriented communities program, including an eight-unit density bonus and a one-story height increase. The project would hold one unit for an extremely low-income household and two units for very low-income households in accordance with the TOC program.
The project would provide 24 automobile parking spaces between at-grade and subterranean parking levels, along with space for 34 bicycles.
Plans also call for amenities including a 3,610-square-foot roof patio.
Designs for the Echo Park plans are being led by Sammie Tabrizi Architect.