The owner of a commercial property at the northwestern corner of West Washington Boulevard and South Manhattan Place has plans to redevelop it with a new four-story, 20-unit mixed-use apartment building, according to a new planning case posted by the city of Los Angeles this month.
The Harvard Heights project plans are being led by applicant and property owner Suzanne Khalili of 2239 DE Holdings LLC and call for an approximately 56-foot-tall, 15,000-square-foot building holding 20 one-bedroom apartments ranging in size from 591 to 669 square feet along with 626 square feet of ground-floor retail space. The project site was acquired in 2015 for about $1.15 million, according to county property records.
The developer is seeking Tier-3 project incentives under the city’s transit-oriented communities program, including an 11-foot height increase to the planned 56 feet, according to planning documents. Two apartments would be reserved for extremely low-income households in accordance with the TOC program.
The project would provide 12 underground parking spaces, plans show.
Designs for the proposed development are being led by Woodland Hills-based project architect Group S Inc. and landscape architect Harmony Gardens.