Manny’s Grocery, the Chicago-based grocery store specializing in African, Caribbean foods, and more, is looking to expand into West Humboldt Park, located at 3831 W. Chicago Ave.
Developers recently shared details on the proposed project to a virtual community meeting Wednesday night, hoping to revitalize the West Side commercial corridor. Although the plans aren’t officially approved, the $30 million development would include 60 apartments and an arts center and community room, according to Block Club Chicago. This is one of two major proposed developments for West Humboldt Park. The other is The Ave., a five-story, mixed-use development with a restaurant and child care, located at 3601-25 W Chicago Ave.
A.J. Patton, CEO 548 Development, purchased the building on his own, but told the Sun-Times he’s asking city officials for $8 million in tax-increment financing (TIF) dollars and a parcel of city-owned land to complete the project. If approved, Manny Grocery’s second location will eventually move into the ground floor of the building. Customers can expect a selection of African grocery products that range from spices to palm oil and coffee.
“I’m excited about the grocery store options,” Chantel Johnson, dean of culture at Rowe-Clark Math and Science Academy, told Block Club Chicago I’m tired of seeing the gas station bags coming through here. So I’m excited to see that our students have an opportunity of being exposed to healthier options before school and after school.”