Further Permitting Paperwork Indicates Salad and Go Is Going All-In in Las Vegas

Plans indicate yet another Salad and Go headed just north of the University District

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment
Photo: Official

What Now Las Vegas first reported that innovative drive-thru salad chain Salad and Go was planning moves in Las Vegas in October of last year. Since then, news has come through of three separate locations, indicating that the chain’s launch in the city would be a big one.

In fact, it’s even bigger: further permitting paperwork submitted to Clark County this week refers to an 837 square-foot space on a parcel just north of the University District, on the northern side of Flamingo Rd between University Center Dr and Maryland Pkwy.

The chain’s express-style restaurants thrive on a kind of a low-footprint efficiency. The planned location would have no indoor seating, and as the paperwork indicates, Salad and Go restaurants “typically” have no patio seating either. It will serve its menu of healthy wraps, breakfast burritos, and—obviously—salads strictly in the form of drive-thru and curbside pickup orders.

“[Salad and Go’s] Mission,” reads the permit application, “is to make fresh, nutritious food convenient and affordable not just for the few but for everyone.”

No word is available yet on when the rollout of Las Vegas’s upcoming Salad and Go locations will start, but the plans are clearly big. Stay tuned for more Salad and Go news.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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