New York-New York Looks to Be Getting a Cinnabon

It would be the chain’s sixth Las Vegas location

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment
Photo: Official

Boasting roughly 700 locations, Cinnabon has become a household name with its iconic baked cinnamon rolls. The food court staple has five locations in Las Vegas, and its sixth now appears to be on the way to New York-New York Hotel and Casino.

Licensing paperwork submitted to Clark County by Bonanno Restaurants, LLC shows Cinnabon opening at the resort’s address, 3790 Las Vegas Blvd S. Behind Bonanno Restaurants, LLC is Fifth Avenue Restaurant Group, which operates New York-New York’s food hall.

Cinnabon’s Baked Treats go beyond the Classic Roll to include the Caramel Pecanbon, the Churro Stick, and miniature BonBites. It also serves up a selection of cold drinks, including Iced Beverages like the MochaLatta chill and Cold Brew Iced Coffee and the blended Chillatta, which comes in flavors like Oreo Cookies & Cream and Double Chocolate Mocha.

Opening at the resort, Cinnabon would join peer concepts like New York Pizzeria, Wing Zone, and Capriotti’s.

You can follow @cinnabon Instagram to keep up with all things Cinnabon.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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