A company has filed plans for a five-story, 28-unit apartment development in the Palms neighborhood, according to a planning case posted by the city of Los Angeles this week.
The proposed project is being led through an affiliate by SRK Properties and would rise at 10713 – 10725 Palms Boulevard, replacing three single-family dwellings near the northwestern corner of Palms Boulevard’s intersection with Overland Avenue.
Designs for the planned development, which would rise to a maximum height of about 56 feet and involve about 35,000 square feet of new construction, are being led by 64North, an LA-based design studio.
The development team is seeking Tier-2 project approvals under the city’s Transit Oriented Communities Incentive Program, including an 11-foot height increase and an 11-unit, or 60-percent, density bonus. Three apartments would be reserved for extremely low-income households in accordance with the TOC program, plans show.
Plans also call for 17 parking spaces (and 34 bicycle spaces) in an at- and below-grade parking garage, as well as a 3,400-square-foot common open space roof deck.