Owner of Mercury Bar West Looking for New Space

Restaurateur Mario Arcari is currently on the hunt for a new space to house an unrevealed concept. He says more information will be available in the coming weeks.

Falyn Stempler
By Falyn Stempler Add a Comment
Photo Credit: @mercurybarwest on Instagram

Restaurateur Mario Arcari, who owns Mercury Bar West in Hell’s Kitchen, is currently searching for a new space to house an unrevealed concept. He says more information will be available in the coming weeks.

One of the spaces he is looking into is a 10,400-square-foot ground floor space located within 147-149 W 46th Street in Times Square. However he tells What Now New York that he has not officially acquired the rental yet. There is no other information available at press time regarding the new concept. However Arcari is an Irish-American restauranter known for his series of sports bar establishments across New York City and Boston, including Mercury Bar West in Hell’s Kitchen and The Broadway in South Boston. What Now New York will provide updates in the coming weeks when more information is available. 

Arcari studied engineering at college in Ireland prior to entering the hospitality industry. He has owned and operated restaurants since 1995. Some of his former establishments including Boston Beer Garden, a sports bar in South Boston; Joshua Tree Bar, a sports bar with outposts in Somerville, Massachusetts, nearby Tufts University, and Murray Hill, Manhattan; and Tonic Bar with outposts in Times Square and Kips Bay, all of which are now defunct.

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