Nobibi, an ice cream and boba franchise, is set to open a new location in Fullerton at 1014 E. Bastanchury Road. The store marks another milestone in Nobibi’s journey to expand in the SoCal area.
“We believe that ice cream should be a party, and we take pride in creating imaginative flavors that taste as tantalizing as they look. We want your visit to be an adventure – from the moment you walk through the door until the last lick of your cone. We’ll make sure every bite of your creamy creation keeps you coming back for more!” franchise owners Joanne Nunag and Jessica Scaccia told What Now OC. “It’s a party with Nobibi! We can’t wait to party with you Fullerton!”
Nobibi offers ice cream, cotton candy, egg waffles, boba, coffee, and tea. Founded by Shirley Shinn in her home kitchen, Nobibi’s has transformed from a family project to a thriving business with multiple locations across California and beyond. The brand wants to reach 20-25 stores by 2025.