According to a lease permit obtained by What Now Dallas, another Katie’s Express location is set to be opened on 4301 South Fwy. There are a number of other locations currently being operated in and around Forth Worth.
Katie’s Express is owned by local businessman, Robert Petrie, who along with his wife, Deborah, also owns car dealerships, storage facilities, and several doctor’s offices that they lease back to hospitals. Additionally, the Petries own vacation property, Bart Island Lodge, and Sitka Hotel in Sitka, Alaska.
The car wash offers fast pass memberships, VIP cards and monthly passes. Its service packages range from $5-$17 and includes such features as UV protectant, tire shine, turbo dry, and 5 day rain guarantee. If customers need a child’s car seat cleaned, they will even enlist a lint roller, bristle brush, toothbrush, dish soap, steam cleaner, and baking soda.
Another feature that makes Katie’s Express stand out from the competition is its car wash fundraiser packages that are safe for the environment and offer a fun, easy way for participants to raise money for their organization. Non-profits, civic associations, schools, churches, athletic teams, local service clubs and community projects can all qualify.
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