Co-Owner David Kefford told What Now Philadelphia via phone that Baldies Bitters plans to open a location in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania to sell the brand’s bitters spirits. Baldies Bitters already sells their spirits online on their website and MurLarkey Distilled Spirits use Baldies Bitters as an ingredient in their Papi’s Old Fashioned Mixer.
Baldies Bitter’s story tells of their discovery, as aficionados of cocktails, of how important bitters are. Their website says, “We’re rather particular about the cocktails we drink. We like great-tasting cocktails made from quality ingredients. But after decades of experimentation, we realized that we – like many – were paying attention only to the spirits and sugar in our drinks. For some reason, we never realized that superior bitters can take cocktails to the next level.”
The website goes on to explain a bit more about what bitters are and what they do, it states, “Perhaps you’re wondering why bitters can make such a difference. If so, a quick explanation might help: bitters are made by infusing neutral spirits with various flavors — typically roots, barks, seeds, fruits, and other aromatics. By combining different but complementary flavors, bitters can add layers of interest to a cocktail. For example, our bitters typically have over 15 all-natural ingredients, each of which is specifically added to impart a wonderful, nuanced complexity to your next cocktail.”
Kefford told What Now Philadelphia via phone that he had been working on bringing Baldies Bitters into a small location as a bitters spirits store would not require a large space because bitters are packaged in smaller bottles. Kefford is not sure when the store will open but is actively looking for the right location for the first Baldies Bitters store.