Toca Madera Location to Open in Las Vegas

The brand features a “high-energy fine dining” experience

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment
Photo: Official

Las Vegas will welcome its first Toca Madera location in the spring.

The move is part of a larger expansion of the Madera concept alongside the development of Casa Madera, a chain of restaurant-lounges with three locations opening by the end of next year, according to a recent article published by What Now Los Angeles.

The brand’s “high-energy fine dining” experience mixes elements of fine dining with the extravagance of a show. The result is something like a club, with its high-quality sound systems, mixed with the excitement of live music, dancers, and fire-breathers.

The chain’s expansion took off following the success of Toca Madera’s second location in Scottsdale, AZ, after which founder Tosh Berman partnered with Mikey Tanha to create Noble 33, a new hospitality group formed with a focus on expanding the Madera brand into new markets.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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