Work Permit Submitted for Spiegelworld’s Glitterloft Space at the LINQ

The production company announced a $75 million partnership with Caesars Entertainment late last year

Neil Cooney
By Neil Cooney Add a Comment
Photo: LINQ Official

In October of last year, Ross Mollison, the “impresario extraordinaire” of production company Spiegelworld, showed up characteristically late to an announcement of a $75 million partnership with Caesars Entertainment.

“Sorry,” he said, according to coverage published at the time in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “I was sleeping in the car.”

Earnest? For show? Who knows? But shows are what Spiegelworld does best. Known for Absinthe, a hit performed in a tent outside Caesars Palace, Spiegelworld is also behind Opium at the Cosmopolitan, and the adjacent Superfrico. And now, Spiegelworld is gearing up for DiscoShow, a new event at The LINQ. Permit paperwork for related demolitions submitted recently to Clark County estimated a budget of $1.75 million. The finished space will be called the Spiegelworld Glitterloft.

The show previously debuted as “We Are Here” in New York City in August 2018. It will include five LED walls, with the cast and audience being surrounded by video footage. Details related to the show’s food and beverages are not yet available for DiscoShow or any other upcoming Spiegelworld shows. The Review-Journal quoted Mollison as saying he hadn’t “worked [it] out”.

DiscoShow is expected to open this December in the finished Spiegelworld Glitterloft space at the LINQ, in what was formerly the hotel’s Imperial Palace sportsbook.

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Neil Cooney is a freelance writer. He has received an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University, and his work has been published in the Masters Review. Based in Nashville, he spends his free time cooking Korean food and studying chess.
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