According to a recent license application submitted to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Po Bro LP is bringing a new concept to San Francisco. The restaurant name is not shared, but Pro Bro LP’s parent company is Leak Ventures, owned by Chris Lehman.
Listed partners include Alan and Johanna Guy Family Trust, Lehman Family Trust, Richard and Jane Leider Revocable Trust, and Chef Daniel Tellez Reynoso — the Director of Food and Beverage at Bartlett Hall and the former Executive Chef at Copita Tequileria y Comida, a Mexican restaurant in Sausalito.
The new eatery will take over a space previously home to Rouge Night Club at 1500 Broadway in Polk Gulch, and nearby establishments include MAC’D American restaurant, the Moroccan restaurant Berber, and Teaspoon tea house.
What Now San Francisco was unable to contact a restaurant representative before the time of publication but, in addition to an on-sale general eating place permit and a caterer permit, the restaurant applied for a temporary permit that expires in May, so Bay Area residents can likely expect a spring opening.