Pollo Campero has submitted an application to the Anaheim Planning Commission for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct, operate, and maintain a drive-through window associated with a new fast-food restaurant. The proposed development also includes a Lot Line Adjustment and an Administrative Adjustment to merge parcels and reduce off-street parking spaces.
The subject property, located at the southeast corner of Orangethorpe Avenue and Lemon Street, at 30 E Orangethorpe Ave., comprises two parcels totaling approximately 25,157 sq. ft. Pollo Campero aims to merge these parcels into a single legal entity and construct a one-story, 2,100 sq. ft. fast-food restaurant. The site currently features a 5-tenant mini strip mall on the larger parcel and an automobile repair building on the smaller one, occupied by Atlas Smog Center.
As part of the development, Pollo Campero is seeking Planning Commission approval for an Administrative Adjustment allowing a 10% reduction in the required number of off-street parking spaces. The proposal also addresses an existing oversized trash enclosure that spans the easterly property line of one of the parcels. A new block wall will be constructed to enclose the trash enclosure on the subject property, ensuring continued access for the adjacent property owner and tenant.
The proposed fast-food restaurant will incorporate modern architectural features, including varied rooflines, steel canopies, aluminum awnings, and distinctive paint colors associated with the Pollo Campero chain. The site will include a drive-through lane, surface parking lot with clean-air electric vehicle charging stations, landscaping, loading zone, trash enclosure, and new signage.
Approximately 25% of the property will be landscaped, with specific attention to the landscape areas along Lemon Street, E. Orangethorpe Avenue, and the interior property lines. The lighting plan includes parking lot light standards and decorative wall-mounted fixtures on the building’s west and east elevations to ensure compliance with the City’s illumination standards.
The Planning Commission will review the application in accordance with the Anaheim Municipal Code. The proposed development aligns with the permitted uses in the General Commercial Zone and fulfills the necessary requirements outlined in the municipal code.